Wednesday, December 12, 2018

Short Cut Keys of Computer Keyboard

There  are many short cuts key in keyboard which makes you very easy to use computer.
It also help you to use without out mouse.

Alt+FFile menu options in the current program.
Alt+EEdit options in current program
Alt+TabSwitch between open programs
F1Universal Help in almost every Windows program.
F2Rename a selected file
F5Refresh the current program window
Ctrl+NCreate a new, blank document in some software programs
Ctrl+OOpen a file in current software program
Ctrl+ASelect all text.
Ctrl+BChange selected text to be Bold
Ctrl+IChange selected text to be in Italics
Ctrl+UChange selected text to be Underlined
Ctrl+FOpen find window for current document or window.
Ctrl+SSave current document file.
Ctrl+XCut selected item.
Shift+DelCut selected item.
Ctrl+CCopy selected item.
Ctrl+InsCopy selected item
Ctrl+YRedo the last action
Ctrl+ZUndo last action
Ctrl+KInsert hyperlink for selected text
Ctrl+PPrint the current page or document.
HomeGoes to beginning of current line.
Ctrl+HomeGoes to beginning of the document.
EndGoes to end of current line.
Ctrl+EndGoes to end of the document.
Shift+HomeHighlights from current position to the beginning of a line.
Shift+EndHighlights from current position to end of a line.
Ctrl+Left arrowMoves one word to the left at a time.
Ctrl+Right arrowMoves one word to the right at a time.
Ctrl+EscOpens the START menu
Ctrl+Shift+EscOpens Windows Task Manager
Alt+F4Close the currently active program
Alt+EnterOpen the Properties for the selected item (file, folder, shortcut, etc.)

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